Melville, 16h00

Middleton, Bronwyn

Illustrator country: South Africa

Scenarist: Middleton, Bronwyn

Scenarist country: South Africa

Language: English

Keywords: café; man-woman relationship; theft


Participated to Africa e Mediterraneo Award 2002

A couple goes to a café where a strange scene takes place: while he’s taking their order, the waiter realizes a client has left without paying. He runs after her and accuses her of being a thief, but she claims he had said that her coffee was on the house. The waiter calls her a thief and she responds by hitting him with her bag.

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Digital print

Dimensions: 21 x 29,7 cm

Inventory: inv. 900 / coll. PR3.SA.MIDDLETON.1

Number of sheets: 3

Notes: The first and the last pages are thick paper, the second one is thinner