Launched for the first time in 2002, the “Africa e Mediterraneo for Best Unpublished Comic Strip by African Author” has been until its last edition – completed in 2015 – one of the most important comics award for African artists and the only one open to comics artists who come from all over Africa.

The award aimed at promoting the work of African cartoonists in Europe, both to the general public and to experts, enables them to enter the international market. The activities involved in the project had the further aim of making the European public aware of the issue of inter-cultural exchange through the art of comics, a medium that facilitates immediate communication.

Over the space a decade we compiled 6 editions of the Africa e Mediterraneo Award and published 5 catalogues collecting some of the most fascinating and relevant comics published in each of the 6 editions. The catalogues can be bought directly on Lai-momo’s website.

Africa Comics 2002: the winners


Stories and chronicles

First Prize (ex-aequo):
Adérito Wetela (Mozambique), A Lenda Da Leoa Da Montanha

First Prize (ex-aequo):
Pat Masioni (DR Congo), Ô mon pays

Special Jury Mention:
Mendozza Y Caramba (Ivory Coast), AAAAA!

Special Jury Mention:
Clinton Jordaan (South Africa), Johannesburg 2002

Special Jury Mention:
Daniël Du Plessis (South Africa), Space Dust

Africa Comics 2003-2004: the winners


Africa Comics 2005-2006: the winners


Africa Comics 2007-2008: the winners


Comics on Human rights

First Prize:
Hector Sonon (Benin), Darfour

Pov (Madagascar), Une histoire triste


Stories of migration

First Prize:
Jason Kibiswa (DR Congo), Priez pour moi

Paul Assako Assako (Cameroon), Le voyage

Africa Comics 2009-2010: the winners


Africa Comics 2011-2012: the winners


Internet and social network in Africa

First Prize:
Anthony Kokouvi Dodjivi (Togo), Rentrer chez moi


Food and food sovereignty

First Prize:
Ngande Djialeu Martial (Cameroon), Pour une histoire de plantain

Free subject

First Prize:
Rais Brahim (Morocco), Soulèvement